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You can click on one of those properties to open a window that will allow you to "filter" and "sort". Filtering and sorting will reduce and reorganize the transcript according to extractive machinic logic. 4. By clicking the *scissors* icon at the top of TRANSCRIPT, the selected pieces will move to the PLAYER. 5. You can play the audio or video of the resequenced words in the PLAYER. You can select words and do perform filtering and sorting. You can adjust the volume, timing, and playback rate of the audio. After selecting a transcript to load... --------------------------------------- CLICK ON A WORD to select and unselect it. - this will select and unselect it. Metadata extracted from the last selected word will appear. HIGHLIGHT A PHRASE - each word is selected individually, but you can "Make Phrase" which will glue the words together in filtering and sorting - facilitates multiple word part of speech filtering (see below) Across the top of the TRANSCRIPT area: * Reload Button: Reloads the currently loaded transcript after filtering and sorting * Star button: Selects (andunselects) all of the words in the transcript view * Number select: There are up to 6 PLAYERS you can send selected words to * Scissors button: This will cut out the selected words from the transcript and send them to one of the PLAYERS Here is a list of currently available filters and sorts (available via EXTRACT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK ON THE WORD AT THE TOP * filter by word: keep or remove certain words - you can separate multiple words with commas - you can do partial words with a hyphen, eg. "trans-" matches "transcribe" and "transition" - you could keep only stopwords (see Appendix) for instance * filter most common N words: enter a number * sort alphabetically: self-explanatory CLICK ON LENGTH * filter by number of letters in a word: keeps longer words, shorter words, same length words * sort by the number of letters in a word CLICK ON DURATION * filter by the temporal duration of a word: keeps longer words, shorter words, roughly same length words - sometimes removing words less than about 0.2s helps things sound better * sort by the temporal duration of words CLICK ON TIME: * filter by time across whole transcript: remove all words before or after a certain time - for example, to remove an introduction to a lecture * filter within each sentence: remove all words before or after a certain time within each sentence - for example, if you were only interested in the first 2 seconds of each sentence * filter by position within each sentence: position of the word within the sentence - for example, if you wanted to filter for the first 3 words of each sentence * sort by each of the 3 above dimensions: - chronologically is the original order of the words - chronological in each sentence is a measure of each word from the start of the sentence it is in - by position of the word in the sentence is 1st word (in its sentence), 2nd word, 3rd word, etc. CLICK ON SYLLABLES: * filter by the number of syllables in a word - for example, keep all the 5 syllable words, or all the words with more than 4 syllables * filter by the position of the stressed syllable - is the stressed syllable the first syllable, the last syllable, or at a position (eg. the 3rd) * extract syllables from words - keeps certain syllables from all visible words - this is non-destructive. If you choose "reset" it will go back to the original word. - keep the first or last 1,2,3, etc. syllables - keep 1,2,3 etc. syllables starting from the 1st, 2nd, etc. syllable - Extraction can apply to only the selected word ("this") or "all" words in the transcript or player * sort fast to slow words and slow to fast words - word speed is a measure of syllables per second CLICK ON PHONEMES: * filter by a phoneme or sequence of phonemes - the phonemes of the selected word will pre-fill this input to help. you will probably delete some before filtering - the phoneme sequence is a comma-separated list of individual phonemes - keep words starting with or ending with a certain sequence of phonemes, or which include that sequence anywhere in the word - this is useful for filtering for words containing a sound, for example rhyming * extract phonemes from words - keeps certain phonemes from all visible words - this is non-destructive. If you choose "reset" it will go back to the original word. - keep the first or last 1,2,3, etc. phonemes - keep 1,2,3 etc. phonemes starting from the 1st, 2nd, etc. phoneme - Extraction can apply to only the selected word ("this") or "all" words in the transcript or player * monster: create words or short phrases from custom phoneme sequences - you probably can't write in phonemes, so click on the "CMU Dict" link to convert words to phonemes - for example, "some words" becomes "S AH M . W ER D Z ." which you copy and paste into monster - after creating the new word or phrase, it will appear selected in the TRANSCRIPT CLICK ON POS (PART OF SPEECH): * Parts of Speech pattern: keeps or removes words or sequences of words - the currently selected word's parts of speech are pre-filled - filtering by comma-separated parts of speech is an OR operation ("#Verb,#PresentTense" = Verb OR PresentTense) - filtering by parts of speech separated by + sign is an AND operation ("#Verb+#PresentTense" = only PresentTense Verbs) - a pattern spanning multiple words can be created with spaces ("#Adjective #Noun" looks for adjective followed by a noun) - a word can be included in the pattern (for example: "you can #Verb" would match "you can go" and "you can stay") - if you highlight a phrase in TRANSCRIPT, the part of speech pattern to match that phrase will be pre-filled - all matches will automatically be converted to phrases (i.e. words that stay together in further filters or sorts) * Noun Phrases: - only works on a fully loaded TRANSCRIPT - keeps multiword noun phrases CLICK ON LETTERS: * filter by which letters and (at least) how many of them in a word - the format is letter followed by the minimum occurrences of the letter in the matched word (eg, a:2 means at least 2 a's) - the letter count for a selected word will be prefilled Context ------- Almost all filters will find single words, but allow you to "include words before and after", or context. For example, 2 words before and 2 words after would result in mostly 5 word phrases. However, if the sentence ends in this window, then words from the neighboring sentence will not be returned. Here is a list of options for controlling tracks in the PLAYER -------------------------------------------------------------- Across the top you will see: * Play button * Stop button * wpm: The words (or phrases) will be played back at a rate of this many words per minute - press Enter after changing the number - 0 means each word plays immediately when the previous one stops - Switching between 0 and a number (or vice versa) requires stopping and starting. * crossfade: Only appears when wpm is 0. Causes next sample to start playing slightly before previous one ends. - crossfade is a number in milliseconds * V button: Switches into video mode. To get back to audio, shrink and expand the PLAYER. * DL button: Download the composition as a .json file. This can be loaded in "load a saved composition" * Expand button: Shrinks or expands the PLAYER area In each track: * Title: Click on this to enter change text to display as a title for this track * DL button: Not working properly. The idea is you can download an audio file of this track. * Volume: Volume of this track. - Range is roughly -50 to 50 * Mute button: Sets the volume to a very low value * Interval: How often the words in this track play relative to the wpm - 4n means each word plays on the beat specified by wpm. - 2n is twice as slow, 8n is twice as fast - custom wpm: plays this track at its own independent wpm * Offset: A delay in beginning to play each word - Offset is a number in milliseconds * Pattern: A pattern representing words being played or an extra pause being included - 1's represent play, 0's represent pause - 0 (pause) doesn't mean to skip a word, but to pause a (wpm) beat before playing it - The pattern can be as long as you want it to be * Rate: The speed relative to the original sample (.9 is 90% as fast) - Rate also changes the pitch * Play button: Starts another playhead * Loop button: By default the playhead loops back to the start. This can be disabled. * X button: Removes all samples from the track === Appendix -------- KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS (all while holding down the "Alt" or "Option" key) 0 : enable/ disable a minimal player view p : play or pause 1 : cycle through some background colors 2 : only display the words that are playing (in minimal view) - : reduce word size (in minimal view) = : increase word size ↑ : choose a higher track to adjust word size ↓ : choose a lower track to adjust word size STOPWORDS (NLTK) These are words that are often discarded by algorithms trying to extract meaning and value from text. In other words, they are words assumed to have little to no value: ourselves, hers, between, yourself, but, again, there, about, once, during, out, very, having, with, they, own, an, be, some, for, do, its, yours, such, into, of, most, itself, other, off, is, s, am, or, who, as, from, him, each, the, themselves, until, below, are, we, these, your, his, through, don, nor, me, were, her, more, himself, this, down, should, our, their, while, above, both, up, to, ours, had, she, all, no, when, at, any, before, them, same, and, been, have, in, will, on, does, yourselves, then, that, because, what, over, why, so, can, did, not, now, under, he, you, herself, has, just, where, too, only, myself, which, those, i, after, few, whom, t, being, if, theirs, my, against, a, by, doing, it, how, further, was, here, than